Having a good belt for the armed forces, such as a tactical belt, is important. They came in handy when carrying vital equipment at an easy reach. Most of these items are beneficial to your welfare and of those you are trying to help. In situations like police actions rescue and search, military combat, camping, and hunting, it’s extremely important to have everything of the highest quality. To have the best AR670-1 compliant belt, you have to ensure they can hold your items as you adhere to your task. Your equipment could include knives, guns, ropes, flashlight, and a communication radio. Your belts should not be just strong, it’s good if you have a nice looking belt too. Below are the Top 10 AR670-1 compliant belts that you should consider when looking for a tactical belt.
Elite Survival Systems Cobra Rigger’s Belt with D Ring Buckle

It can handle pouches, ammo, and guns
Has an extremely strong buckle
The design of the snap attachment is very quick to use
It has a great snap style
Multiple color variants for all situations
Its buckle is large, therefore, may not fit small loops
Blue Alpha Cobra Gear 1.5” EDC Belt

Low profile AR670 belt, therefore, not too wide
It is a strong belt and holds gear such as heavy handguns
Disengaging and engaging its buckle is easy
Comes in multiple colors
The buckle could be too large to fit small loops
This belt requires you to undo one clasp when you want to use it
Hanks Gunner Full Grain Tactical Belt

Has a great look
It lasts for a lifetime
You can design it to carry equipment like guns
It has the correct size
It has a conventional buckle which may not suit other sizes
A bit more expensive than other belts
Men’s Web Belt GRIP6 Classic Series Golf Belt Strap

Looks good
Exact fitting belt
Very tough
Cheaper than most other belts
Requires practice to get used to tying and clasping
Stiff at first, before breaking in the belt
Blackhawk Rigger’s QCB belt

Handles all types of items
Stiff at first
Metal detectors will detect the metal buckle
5.11 TDU Tactical Belt, Non-Metal, 1.5-inch

Very strong
Multipurpose belt
Ideal for traveling by air
Not best for big handguns
Buckle sticks out from your waist a little more than other belts
CONDOR Tactical Belt

Very comfortable
Fully adjustable
Extremely long lasting
It’s easy to release the plastic buckle
Convenient with the metal detectors
Looks a little more serious than other belts, less inconspicuous
The buckle could easily break
MISSION ELITE Heavy Duty EDC Tactical Belt – Two-Layer Reinforced Nylon with No Metal

Can carry heavy equipment
Casual look for normal use
Convenient with the metal detectors
Very tough therefore lasts long
Maybe stiff because of the double layer
Maybe hard while tightening it up
Fairwin Tactical Belt, Military Style Webbing Riggers Belt with Lightweight Heavy-Duty Metal Buckle

It can hold all your equipment because it’s very strong
Lasts for a lifetime
Has a casual look
It is adjustable
The elastic loop could fall off if you take the belt off tightly
The belt buckle is metal which means the belt is a tad heavier than other belts
Propper Tactical Duty Belt

Has a casual look, therefore, you can use it with your normal pants
Very comfortable
Has an exact fit
Convenient with the metal detectors
It lasts longer
Can only handle a small amount of equipment
The stitching looks a bit messy