a. Design. The hat will be made from an approved specification or pattern.
b. General description. The hat has an oval-shaped crown and a detachable hatband for placement of insignia. Hat insignia is worn centered and secured through the hatband. (See para 28â3 for a description of insignia wear.)
c. Hatband. The detachable hatband has three rows of stitching of matching thread at the top of the band, and ornamentation as follows.
(1) General and field grade officers. The hat has two arcs of laurel leaves grouped in twos, embroidered in gold bullion, synthetic metallic gold-colored braid, or gold-colored nylon or rayon braid.
(2) Company grade officers and warrant officers. The hat has a band of 1â2-inch, two-vellum gold, gold-colored synthetic metallic braid, or gold-colored nylon or rayon braid, placed on the bottom edge of the hatband.
(3) Enlisted personnel. There is no ornamentation on the hatband.
d. Wear. All female personnel may wear the Army white service hat with the Army white uniform. Personnel are not required to wear headgear when wearing the Army white uniform to evening social functions (after retreat). However, on all other occasions, personnel will wear headgear with this uniform.
e. Proper wear position. The service hat is worn straight on the head so that the hatband creates a straight line around the head, parallel to the ground. Hair will not be visible below the front brim of the hat, and there should be 1â2 to 1 inch distance between the eyebrow and the brim of the hat.