Wear of Decorations, Service Medals, Badges, Unit Awards, and Appurtenances

Wear of service ribbons and lapel buttons

a. Ribbons.

(1) Where worn. Personnel may wear ribbons representing decorations, service medals, service ribbons, and training ribbons on the following uniforms.

(a) Male personnel. On the coats of the Army green, blue, and white uniforms, and on the AG shade 415 shirt.

(b) Female personnel. On the coats of the Army green, blue, and white uniforms, the maternity tunic, and the AG shade 415 shirt.

(2) How worn.

(a) General. Ribbons are worn in order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left, in one or more rows, with either no space between rows or 1/8-inch space between rows. No more than four ribbons are worn in any one row. Soldiers will not start a second row unless they are authorized to wear four or more ribbons. The determination of whether three or four ribbons are worn in each row is based upon the size of the coat and the position of the lapel. The first and second rows will contain the same number of ribbons (three or four) before starting a third row. The third and succeeding rows will contain the same number of ribbons as the first two rows, but may contain less. The top row is centered on the row beneath, or may be aligned to the wearer’s left, whichever presents the best appearance (see fig 29.1).

(b) Personnel are authorized to have their ribbons commercially mounted on a cloth background, on an optional basis. Soldiers who choose this option must ensure the color of the cloth background is black, or that it matches the color of the uniform fabric. The border trim should not exceed 1/8 inch. Soldiers will not wear a black background on the AG shade 415 and 469 shirts. Plastic or plastic-coated, commercially mounted ribbons are not authorized.

(c) Male personnel. On the coats of the Army green, blue, and white uniforms, and on the AG shade 415 shirt, males wear the ribbons centered 1/8 inch above the left breast pocket. Ribbon mounts will remain centered above the pocket even if the top ribbon row is offset (see fig 29.2).

(d) Female personnel. On the coats of the Army green, blue, and white uniforms, the maternity tunic, and the AG shade 415 shirt, females wear the ribbons centered on the left side, with the bottom row positioned parallel to the bottom edge of the nameplate. Females may adjust the placement of the ribbons to conform to individual body-shape differences (see fig 29.3).

b. Lapel buttons. Lapel buttons are miniature enameled replicas of an award that are worn only on civilian clothing. Males wear the buttons on the left lapel of civilian clothing; females wear the buttons in a similar location on their civilian attire.




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